Feb.07, 2012

JOHN COLTRANE –  ASCENSION, Impule A -95, 33 1/3 rpm (USA), 1965 (edition 1 )


Jukebox edition. With jukebox  stickers and mini photos. Edition ? one ever sold on eBay…


An amazing idea: take Trane´s  storching masterpiece Ascension with its complete form and structure and numerous genius solo activities and edit it down to a 7”….made for jukeboxes (!!!)…. But it was made… I thought for a long time that this Ep did not exist… a myth…just rumours ….

But, it appeared, not only in dreams… and what you get is 8 x 2  minutes of heaven!

Just waiting for the right jukebox to put it into.

Music is of course absolutely mindbending and the cover with Trane sitting and listening (?) is just classic!!!

The solos you get after wild and frantic  ensemble playing is by: Trane, Shepp and Tchicai and a short one by Marion Brown…

(which makes this an excerpt from the edition 1 release!)

notes from the only sell on eBay:

The so-called “LITTLE” (or Juke Box) LPs ARE NOT to be confused for regular 7-inch, 4-track EPs which were widely commercially available. The 7-inch LITTLE LPs were made EXCLUSIVELY for use in Jukebox machines or for other promotional purposes and were usually accompanied by the set of 4- or 6 jukebox labels (usually, but not always, replicating the original cover artwork). The LITTLE LPs were NEVER commercially available in any way, manner or form, and are usually NOT listed as a separate category in the record collecting price books and directories. How in the heavens name could anyone at Impulse even imagine that something like this – the most extremely radical music imaginable – could be played in dance halls and on Jukebox machines is truly mind-boggling and beyond belief. My mind literally ground to a halt when I saw this piece!


John Coltrane – tenor sax

Marion Brown – alto sax

Pharoah Sanders – tenor sax

Archie Shepp – tenor sax

John Tchicai – alto sax

Freddie Hubbard – trumpet

Dewey Johnson – trumpet

McCoy Tyner – piano

Jimmy Garrison – bass

Art Davis – bass

Elvin Jones – drums