Aug.20, 2019

DAY 1 – travelling – Vienna – Copenhagen – Trondheim and PIECES OF PEACE & FIRE!


now it is happening…. after monumental preperations —- im on my way to trondheim with over 80 kg´s of …. stuff……

… graphic scores….. records to show….. record covers to exhibit…. records to trade….records to play….  bari sax…. sopranino sax…. french flageolett…. fluteophone…. live electronics…. contact mices…..  vinyl killers…..

starting the set up today of the exhibition :

graphic scores of the  years 1997 – 2019

variations (of a  theme ) – record covers exhibition

a special tribute to felix gonzales torres

concerts with amazing norwegian, swedish, danish, scottish, austrian and   Elgaland Vargaland artists!!!

and a new score: HIDROS o.T. commissioned by NyMusikk  TRondheim —- in collaboration w austrian artist Mathias Pöschl!


the edition of the score arrived from the printer 2 days ago… after numbering and signing is it now ready for (music and visual) action.

limited 80 copies edition! numbered and signed, housed in a  A3 folder.

please email:    for further info on the score and how to order.