article on the best jazz record shop
Jun.18, 2015
finally —- a kickin article on ANDRA JAZZ in stockholm and its owner and king of ceremonies: Harald hult!!!
in swedish only….. but try translating it.
two amazing art exhibitions in Stockholm and one in Chicago
Jan.17, 2014
in stockholm, sweden:
Christian Marclay
Edward Jarvis
one amazing exhibition ending – one starting.
Christian Marclay´s — CHALKBOARD
anna högberg – alto sax playing a version of CHALKBOARD — 18 & 19th january.
last chance!!!! do NOT miss!!!
see a video here, w mats gustafsson making a solo sax reading of CHALKBOARD:
Edward Jarvis´s — VI ÄR ALLA GUDS SLAVAR
opening up jan 18th!!!
in Chicago, IL:
& JOHN SPARAGANA: Crowds and Powder
in Chicago:
the amazing John Sparagana at CorbettVSDempsey:
dec 13 – jan 25th
amazing tuba!
Jan.25, 2012
please check a great article on GREAT monster tuba player Per- Åke Holmlander!!!!
why is there no feature article on this BEAST of a tuba player in ALL major newspapers and specialiced magazines????
the greeeeeat jazz site DIG JAZZ is publishing very many great articles on jazz – chcek it out! only in swedish so far… but google translate might help a bit…
jimmy lyons!!!
Jan.09, 2012
amazing amazing saxophonist!!!!
and his sessionography is right here:
the site is made by enthusiast jan ström. amazing work!!!!
Jimmy Lyons is something else!!!!!!!
Peter Brötzmann
Apr.16, 2011
The great and totally kickin german artist Peter Brötzmann is presenting new and old work at the creative gallery of Epikur in Wuppertal, Germany
Check it out!!! Highly recomended!
Brötzmann is touring with his Brötzmann Chicago Tentet in Europe april 17 – 30. check the tour calender for more info.
But the exhibition at Galerie Epikur is NOT to be missed!!!!! in no way…..
Mathias Pöschl
Apr.16, 2011
The great and totally kickin austrian artist Mathias Pöschl is presenting new work at the creative gallery of Ping Pong in malmö , Sweden.
Check it out!!! Highly recomended!
Pöschl has made vinyl covers to Mats Gustafsson in the past (and future….) : ITS ALL ABOUT on Tyyfus and recently NEEDS on Dancing Wayang, just to name two….
beautiful film on marion brown
Mar.05, 2011
check this out!!!!
an amazing film by henry english on marion brown… killin footage and amazing music w ao dave burrell, sirone and bobby kapp
marion brown r.i.p.
fred anderson
Jun.24, 2010
very very sad news….
Fred Andersoon, one of the greatest saxophone players and free jazz pioneers, died this morning in Chicago.
born in 1929 and one of the founding members of AACM and always active at his Velvet Lounge in Chicago, until the very end.
derek bailey films
Jun.21, 2010
some of the most amazing films EVER made on music… and improvised music in particular are the films that Derek Bailey did wuth channel 4/ BBC years ago… material taken from his great book ” Improvisation: its nature and practice in music”!!!
Dror Feiler
Jun.17, 2010
Dror Feiler… one of the most amazing musician, activist and artist!
I owe him BIG time! for it all!
”Den politiska, eller revolutionära, sprängkraften ligger i att utmana invanda mönster. På det sättet är min musik alltid politisk även om det inte är explicit. Den bygger på revolt.”
hopefully his saxophone will be brought back to him soon… Dror neads his axe!!!