Nov.06, 2020

All funds from the sales of “Padova Solo” will be donated to the Chicago Women’s Health Center ( an organization that Mats has suggested. The CWHC “facilitates the empowerment of women, trans people, and young people by providing access to health care and health education in a respectful environment where people pay what they can afford. Each year, over 6,000 women, trans people, and young people access health services through CWHC, which provides care and services that people in Chicago need, but often cannot find anywhere else. Since we opened our doors in 1975, CWHC’s programs have been shaped by our clients’ and students’ needs for accessible, comprehensive health care and health education.”
Through the weekly release of these digital albums, Catalytic Sound artists have currently raised a total of $2330 in donations for One DC (, Black Girls Code (, BYP100 (, Black Lives Matter DC (, the Fendika Cultural Center (, PEN America (, the Jazz Coalition (, the Bail Project (, the National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression (, Desis Rising Up and Moving (, Black Lives Matter (, the Ruth Ellis Center (, Assata’s Daughters (, the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network (, Circles & Ciphers (, and Dreams for Kids ( so far.