Aug.16, 2018



the best jazz record shop in EUROPA : Andra Jazz in Stockholm will continue its business!!!

after the sad passing of the founder of ANDRA JAZZ / BLUE TOWER RECORDS, Harald Hult , this May — we have all hoped that someone could take over the business and keep the legacy rockin!!!

and yes – IT IS HAPPENING!

ANDRA JAZZ will still be ROCKIN!

Sven Dolling is name of the new owner. a very dedicated music enthusiast and collector.

new opening times: wednesday – friday 15-18

saturdays 12- 15

or by appointment.

tel +46 708 444 552   (NB — new telephone nr, the old nr +468310707 is not functioning any longer)

Bilden kan innehålla: 1 person, står, skägg och glasögon

we are very excited about this —- and that the legacy will now continue!

with a new direction and focus perhaps but with the fundament that Harald created.

the new website will be active later at:    ( under construction)

discogs activity:

email me with any questions or comments – or requests for rare records and I will pass it all on to Andra Jazz, as always!

PEACE & FIRE //// one vinyl a day keeps teh doctor away………..