new web up!!! + concert TONIGHT!

Oct.26, 2017

new website up — more news and info to come , but it is all up and running:


and the new trio album ” THE HANDS” will be released by Rune Grammofon early in 2018!!! watch OUT!!!!!!!


TONIGHT — FIRE! ORCHESTRA IN STOCKHOLM — work in progress concert of the new piece “ARRIVAL”

small groups, record sales, DJs, BAR and the F!O

at FYLKINGEN – 730 pmFIRE Orchestras foto.

Mariam Wallentin – sång
Anna Lindal – violin
Leo Svensson – cello
Josefin Runsteen – violin
Katt Hernandez – violin
Per Texas Johansson – klarinetter
Christer Bothén – klarinetter
Isak Hedtjärn – klarinett
Alexander Zethson – piano, fender rhodes
Mats Gustafsson – barytonsax
Johan Berthling – bas
Andreas Werliin – trummor



14th december is the next work-in-progress concert — just add susana santos silva on trumpet and sofia jernberg on vocals!!!!