new vinyl UPDATE!!!

May.11, 2016

UPDATES may 2016.



Finally time again…. A new update of trades! sorry being away for a bit…. to much touring and lookin for more vinyls…..

UPDATES will come regularily now…. a week or so before we do our monthly updates on the new site:

A new ERA of rare experimental and creative music on vinyl!

Trades wil be updated each month from now on, on this very  site…. There will be a limited amount of new trades every month… trade only´s,  for a limited period of time and afterwards all records will be for sale  at fixed prices at EVERY MONTH!


Let us know what you want and need and what u have to offer for a trade:



So, look out for

To be launched  may 31st 2016.   a  vinyl rehab surprise… a new source for finding experimental vinyls for sale… more news soon!!!!


Meanwhile – check the new trade list out: some CLASSICS! And classics to be!