sax quiz answers soon

Feb.07, 2012

yes, there has been a billion answers coming in for the sax quiz — a sucess, we have never anticipated!

and some , wild and very interesting guesses as well….. so, hurry up — it is not to late yet. until end of february.

so, the board of comitte has decided to continue…. to CONTINUE:

there will be a new sax quiz in beginning of march!

the correct ansers, the corrcet 6 sax player´s name will be published on this webpage on march 1st and the winner will be notified by email.

meanwhile — we wanna share with you a photo sent from our friend, drummer Paal Nilssen – Love.

This guy will not be in the next sax quiz… since Paal forgot to ask for his name… sorry about that. keep enjoying the winter!