Andrew Hill – ping 1003

Apr.10, 2012

ANDREW HILL COMBO, PING 1003, 45 rpm (USA) 1956


Extremely rare 7”



A magnificent piece of vinyl. A true treasure.  Recorded october 1956. A very young Andrew Hill playing with local Chicago musicians… legends to be, all of them. On a tiny tiny doo- wop label in Chicago! There are other releases on the Ping label that includes Hill backing up different vocal groups. But this is the one to go look for.

Two fantastic sides were cut, both with the Art Ensemble of Chicago bass player Malachi Favors rockin his bass in a steady beat and with great drummer Wilbur Campbell swingin like mad. Andrew Hill is playing organ on one track, in a fantastic way, that makes us wish he would have been doing that a bit more during his long career as one of the main renewer of contemporary jazz!

Side A features the permanent Arkestra member Pat Patrick in one of rare performances outside the Arkestra. Patrick is handling his Bari axe as very few had done at this period in jazz. ”Down Pat” is a stunning piece with swing, heat and some very creative soling! Also a great introcuctionary solo by Von Freeman here! a freakin fantastic tenor solo, way ahead of its time actually..

Side B features Chicago´s own Von Freeman, of New Apartment Lounge – fame. This is a very early recording of Freeman, but you can hear all the typical signatures; the chicago tone, the delicate but still advanced phrasing and an inventive melodic journey over all! fantastic!

Very few copies exists of this extremely rare 7” and they are usually pretty beaten up. This is understandable… people have been playing this record repetedely, since it is so GOOOOD! A very interesting example of early (re)search of musical freedom in the Windy City of Chicago, where both Sun Ra Arkestra and AACM had their headquarters, building up the Jazz to come.


Excellent additional info on PING records can be found here:


Andrew Hill – piano and organ

Von Freeman – tenor sax

Pat Patrick – baritone sax

Malachi Favors – bass

Wilbur Campbell – drums