various sun ra singles

Apr.26, 2012


a collection of the rarest, most ass kickin and simply the most beautiful Sun Ra singles ever made… a treasure!!!

all from the Björn Thorstensson collection!!!







A foggy day/Daddy´s gonna tell you no lie Saturn 9/1954 (USA)

rec. 1954 or 1955 in Chicago. Nu Sounds vocal group + Sun Ra p, dir.








Dreaming/Daddy´s gonna tell you no lie Saturn SR 401/2 (USA)

rec. in Chicago 1955. Cosmic Rays vocal group + Sun Ra p, Richard Evans b, Robert Barry dr, Tito cga.

nb – this copy is the reissue from 1983











Bye Bye/Somebody´s in love Saturn B222/B223 (USA)

rec. in Chicago 1955. Cosmic Rays vocal group + Sun Ra p dir, Richard Evans b, Robert Barry dr, Jim Herndon timbale








I´m coming home/Last call for love Heartbeat G70W-5168/5169 (USA)

rec around January 1956 in Chicago. Billie Hawkins voc + Sun Ra and his Orchestra: Sun Ra p; Wurlitzer ep; arr, Art Hoyle tp, Dave Young tp, Julian Priester tb, Pat Patrick as; bars, John Gilmore ts, Wilburn Green cb, Robert Barry dr, Jim Herndon tymp.

ed´s note —  this is ONE of just a couple SUN RA HOLY GRAILS… IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND AND F****N FANTASTIC MUSIC!!!!!!!… the first appearance on record by  the Arkestra according to the books…










Medicine for a Nightmare/Urnack Saturn Z222 A/B (USA)

rec around February 1956 in Chicago. Sun Ra Wurlitzer ep, Art Hoyle tp, Julian Priester tb, John Gilmore ts, Pat Patrick bars, Wilburn Green eb, Robert Barry dr, Jim Herndon tymp.








Super Blonde/Soft Talk Saturn Z1111 (USA)

rec around February 1956 in Chicago. Sun Ra p, Art Hoyle tp, Julian Priester tb, John Gilmore ts, Pat Patrick bars, Wilburn Green eb, Robert Barry dr.

ed´s note —  this is ONE of just a couple HOLY GRAILS… IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND AND F****N FANTASTIC MUSIC!!!!!!!….maybe only 5 copies existing…










Saturn/Call for all demons G70W-5237/5259 (USA)

rec around February 1956 in Chicago. Sun Ra Wurlitzer ep; p, Art Hoyle tp, Julian Priester tb, John Gilmore ts, Pat Patrick bars, Wilburn Green cb, Robert Barry  dr, Jim Herndon tymp.

ed´s note — this is ONE of just a couple HOLY GRAILS… IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND AND F****N FANTASTIC MUSIC!!!!!!!… maybe only 3 – 5 copies existing….









Happy New Year to you!/It´s Christmas time Saturn M08W405/3 (USA)

rec 1956 in Chicago. The Qualities + Sun Ra harmonium, unidentified g bells, wood blocks.

the greatest doo wop vinyl ever ????











October/Adventur in Space Saturn 874-A/B (USA)

October rec 1959 in Chicago. Sun Ra p, Walter Strickland tp, Nate Pryor tb, Marshall Allen as, John Gilmore ts, Pat Patrick bars, Ronnie Boykins b, Robert Barry dr; Adventure rec 1956 or 1957 in Chicago. Sun Ra p, Jim Herndon tymp, Robert Barry dr, prob. John Gilmore bells, unidentified bells, scrapers.








M uck M uck/ Hot Skillet Mama Saturn 4236/7 (USA)

rec prob. March 1957 in Chicago. Yochannan voc, Sun Ra p, Pat Patrick ts, prob. Victor Sproles b, prob. Robert Barry dr.








Hours after/Great balls of fire Saturn J08W0245/6 (USA)

rec early 1958 and around September 1958 in Chicago. On Hours after Sun Ra p, Everett Turner tp, Marshall Allen as, James Spaulding as, John Gilmore ts, Pat Patrick bars Ronnie Boykins b, William Cochran dr, Alvin Fielder dr. On Great balls.. Sun Ra Wurlitzer ep, Lucious Randolph tp, John Gilmore ts, Pat Patrick bars, BeBop Sam Thomas eg, William Cochran dr, Alvin Fielder dr, Jim Herndon tymp, unidentified perc.

ed´s note — this is ONE of just a couple HOLY GRAILS… IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND AND F****N FANTASTIC MUSIC!!!!!!! …we have only seen one copy so far….








The Sun One/Message to Earthman Saturn 1502 (USA)

rec 1959 in Chicago. Yochannan voc, Sun Ra Hammond B-3 organ, Walter Strickland(2) & Lucious Randolph(1) tp, Marshall Allen as, John Gilmore ts, Ronnie Boykins b, unidentified dr.








The Sun Man speaks/Message to Earthman Saturn 986 (USA)

reissue of 3. with different take of track #1.personel as above.







Space Loneliness/State Street Saturn L08W-0114/0115 (USA)

rec around June 17 1960 i Chicago. Sun Ra bells; perc; gong; p, Phil Cohran violin-uke; cnt; perc; voc, Nate Pryor tp; bells, John Gilmore ts; cl; perc; voc, Marshall Allen as, fl; bells; voc, Ronnie Boykins space gong; b; voc, Jon Hardy dr; erc; gong.









Tell her to come on home/I´m making believe Saturn 144M (USA)

rec 1962 in NYC. Little Mack voc, Sun Ra p; dir, John Gilmore ts, Ronnie Boykins b, prob. C. Scoby Stroman dr.







Blues on planet Mars/Saturn moon Saturn 911-AR (USA)

rec 1967 or 1968 NYC. Sun Ra solar sound instrument(Hohner clavinet), John Gilmore ts; perc; voc, Pat Patrick perc; voc, Robert Barry dr; perc, Clifford Jarvis dr; perc, Marshall Allen perc; voc, James Jacson perc; voc.








The Bridge Saturn 1982Y(USA) one-sided single

rec 1967 in NYC. Sun Ra Gibson Kalamazoo org; clavioline, Jothan Callins or Wayne Harris p, prob. Ali Hassan tb, Marshall Allen as; voc, Danny Davis as; voc, John Gilmore ts; voc, Pat Patrick bars; voc, unidentified b, poss. Clifford Jarvis dr, James Jacson voc; perc, Mobarak Mahmoud recitation.










Journey to Saturn/Enlightenment Saturn ES 538 A/B (USA)

rec 1972 or 1974 unknown location(1), 1970-1974 Philadelphia (2). Sun Ra Hohner clavinet (2); org (1), Danny Ray Thompson bars (1), prob. Clifford Jarvis dr (1), June Tyson voc, John Gilmore dr (2); voc, other Arkestrans voc (1).







I´m gonna unmask the Batman/The perfect Man Saturn ES 537B (USA)

rec 1974 (1) in Philadelphia, May 24 1973 (2) in NYC. Sun Ra Rocksicord (1); Mini-Moog syns (2), Akh Tal Ebah tp (1), Marshall Allen as (1); ob (2), John Gilmore ts, Danny Ray Thompson bars (1), Robert Underwood dr (1), Danny Davis dr (2), Stanley Morgan cga (1), Sam Bankhead voc (1).









Disco 2100/Sky Blues Saturn DISCO 2100 A/B (USA)

rec January 23, 1978 in Milano. Sun Ra Crumar Mainman; keyb; p, Michael Ray tp, John Gilmore ts; timb, Luqman Ali dr.









Rough House Blues/Cosmo Extesions Saturn SR 51879 A/B (USA)

rec May 1979 in Montreal. Sun Ra p; syn, prob Luqman Ali dr (1), unidentified dr (2).







Quest/Outer Space Plateau Saturn Gemini 1982Z (USA)

rec 1982 in the Hause of Ra. Sun Ra org, prob. Fred Adams tp, Marshall Allen as, John Gilmore ts, James Jacson bsn.









A Blue One/Orbritation in Blue Saturn SRA-9991/9992 (USA)

rec early 1962 in NYC. Sun Ra p, Pat Patrick bars, Ronnie Boykins b, Tommy Hunter dr,unidentified hand clapping.











…and there is more out there… much more… in outer space… much more…