disco sete

Apr.13, 2013


amazing shop for vinyl… brazilian vinyl in sao paolo!!!!

one of the best and most specialised in brazilian musics! all kinds…

odd ones… rare ones…. amazing ones…. 7″…. 12″…. it is all there….

freakin amazing shop!!!!

check this clip:






drummer paal nilssen- love looking for tropicaliana seven inches….


disco sete: highest recommendations!!!!


domino sound record shack

Apr.13, 2013

domino sound record shack

new orleans… and shitloads of vinyls….= good unbeatable combo!

all kinds of creative musics:

jazz, zydeco, blues, caribbean, ska, folk…. it is all there….

find it:



very very many vinyls… all formats… watch out.

own productions and 2nd hand. this place is ROCKIN!

I kid u NOT!

strongest recommendations!


2557 Bayou Rd New Orleans, LA 70119, USA


drummer and discaholic paal nilssen- love on way out (!) form the shop after serious shopping….





and the great staff:

jazz record center

Apr.13, 2013

one of the most happening jazz vinyls shops in the world!!!

jazz record center, NYC…. a very appropriate name…..

over 30 year and running.

Fred Cohen – the author of the great Blue Note discography – is running business with a knowledge that takes yr breath away…. only comparable with Harald Hult at Andra Jazz in stockholm



jazz  record center is a DREAM!

behind the door…. the very famous door…..

some stores up in a quite normal NYC- house….

….is heaven for jazz vinyl lovers and related beings:


… I should advise you that most of the inventory is not on the website. There is simply not enough hours in the day to put all of the stock on it.  But anyone can e-mail them at jazzrecordcenter@verizon.net and ask for something specific.

they do mail order and can ship anywhere.   hours are 10:00-6:00, Monday-Saturday.  JRC are located at 236 West 26 Street, Room 804, New York, NY 10001.  phone number is (212) 675-4480, fax is (212) 675-4504.

all jazz available… just ask…. bunk johnson….. albert ayler… sun ra…

check the images…. and just go there:


















and some HEAVY vinyls in shop:





paris jazz corner

Apr.06, 2012

paris jazz corner

still going STRONG!

amzing place for jazz vinyls, cds and books… all periods… all formats

new stuff coming in all the time… active on the web… active in the shop…


8 rue de Nancy
75010 Paris
T : (+33) 1 42 39 07 70



Apr.06, 2012





the one and only… all you need in the land of the perfect fleischknödel and surschnitzel!

this shop has it all… new and 2 nd hand… focus on creative rock, but with very wide perspectives.

just amazing staff with knowledge beyond it all… Konstantin and crew will help you, the whole way…

also a distributor, mail order  and producer of advanced vinyl and related by Trost & cien fuegos ( http://www.trost.at/label/releases/ )


westbahnstrasse 16
a-1070 vienna (austria)
mo – fr 11-19.30,
sat 10-18.00
tel.: ++43 1 523 67 57







jazz store with a great selection of vinyls… collectibles and japanese pressing and also some cheaper records.

some very rare vinyls are always appearent  in the shop… euro jazz focus… but a lot of free jazz and straight ahead stuff!

always worth visiting!



Neubaugasse 51/4
1070 Vienna
Mo 15:00-19:00
Di 15:00-19:00
Mi 15:00-19:00
Do 15:00-19:00
Fr 15:00-20:00
Sa 11:00-16:00






thanx extraplatte, vielen dank ,  for the great years of distribution and running the shop!!!!



1090 Vienna
Waehringer Strasse 46
telephone +43 1 31 01 084-17



Apr.06, 2012






this is a CLASSIC! amazing store … amazing staff.. amazing selections…

jazz, classical, folk, experimental… you name it and you find it! new and 2 nd hand… all formats…



Digelius Music
Laivurinrinne 2
00120 Helsinki
Puh. 09-666375
Fax 09-628950



Apr.06, 2012


the home of Zlatanism…

and some serious art activities…. galleries… artists… and related… and some pretty fuckin happening vinyl hunting terretories:




Rundgång (“feedback”) is a relatively new shop but kickin serious butt!

new and used… all formats… great vibe, great staff — check it out! focus: experimental and beyond…

Kristianstadsgatan 14
214 23 Malmö






one of the most amazing galleries in Sweden… cutting edge exhibitions… beyond it all…

and a small but amazing vinyl section with some excellent shit waitin for ya!

also procucer of great concerts and amazing vinyls as” Treffpunkt”

Galleri Ping-Pong
Att: Gert-Olle Göransson
Rådmansgatan 7
211 45 Malmö






really great store for rock, pop and jazz… cds primarily… but the vinyls are slowly taking over…

great films and books and amazing espresso!!!

Folk å rock
Lilla torg
Skomakaregatan 11
211 34 Malmö



Apr.06, 2012



the very centre of jazz in the north, the very centre of HC in Scandinavia with an amazing jazzclub and jazzfest ( last weekend of cotober ), ROCKIN rockclub at Scharinska and other related activities!

always good vinylactivities and these days 4 shops worth visiting:



this is a NEW shop that popped up…. and it is brutally good.

psych, jazz, punk, hard core and all related. lots of 7 inches… and 12 inches…. and…..

and it is all in old school- nostalgic yellow “ölbackar”( beer crates ) – like it should be!!!

the owner, magnus, is very knowledgable and helpful!

the walls are filled w goodies and there is shitloads in the store…

this is one of the better shops in scandinavia for 2nd hand vinyls – for SURE!




sharing space with a high end store

LYD hi Fi store. also worth a trip in itself!



HiFi-LYD i Umeå / High flying records
S. Majorsgatan 9
903 36 Umeå

tis – fre: 11 – 18
lör: 11 – 15










focusing on jazz and classical music as well as some folk and related matters. really nice bookstore as well.

Skolgatan 98
903 31 Umeå






the store where it all started for Olof Madsen, Edward Jarvis  Mats Gustafsson and many others in the twon of birchtress…. back in the 80´s. Where Brötzmann´s Machine Gun  and Coltrane´s Ascension were discovered. still running and kickin with shitloads of vinyls back in the store. Stanley started it and it is KICKIN!

Burmans Musik | Box 348 | 90107 Umeå myspace.com/stefanburman
info@burmans.com | 090-120242







this is the SHIT when it comes to ROCK and related!

always been and will always be… the importance of this shop , locally and above… is IMMENSE!!!

great great and very knowledgable  staff and amazing stuff all around! neeeeeeds to be checked out.

lars garage… the reason why it is all ROCKIN!

garageland located these days in the mighty Scarinska Villan.


Scharinska, Storgatan 65, Umeå. Sweden



Apr.05, 2012


The home of major Saturn activity, AACM, Fred Anderson´s Velvet Lounge, Vandermark frenzy, CorbettvsDempsey  and related activities… WINDY CITY!!!!! aka Chicago…… has many many shops for vinyls…. these are our fav´s :



still… one of the most amzing shop on this planet…. focus on jazz, brazil, soundtracks, soul, funk, r & b …

in all formats… films, posters … and an amazing 2 nd hand vinyl section —- NEW ARRIVALS every day!

Rick and crew is simply the BEST! super professional staff helping with it ALL!

own record label releasing fav brazil, jazz and soul… amazing stuff!

Dusty Groove America
1120 N. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622








a mekka for jazz…12″, 10″, 7″, 78… all formats… all periods of JAZZ JAZZ JAZZ… and the home of Delmark Records.

HUGE store with great staff – this is told to be the worlds largest record store for jazz and blues… and we believe it!!!…. and you can still find great shit in the piles…  as well as really rare collector´s items… it is all there… as well as films, posters, cds and other related matters….. a great jazz book shelf with discographies , biographies and more more more….

a mekka for jazz….


27 East Illinois
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Store (312) 222-1467
Mail Order (800) 684-3480 or (312) 222-1474
FAX (312) 222-0497
Send email to info@jazzmart.com

Store Hours
10:00am – 8:00pm Monday – Saturday
Noon – 5pm Sunday




Apr.05, 2012



ANDRA JAZZ, STOCKHOLM —  the best in universe !!!!


Check it out:




for other great stores, subjectively choosen in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Umeå – check the different sub categories out!!!

there are of course many more shops for vinyl in Sweden- but this is the ones we really love and respect!